or removal of the ovaries for premenopausal patients, and progestins , androgens , Cytadren , estrogens or tamoxifen for postmenopausal patients. Hormonal manipulation may be especially useful for those with predominantly bone metastases. • If metastases involve vital organs or are life-threatening, chemotherapy combinations similar to those used in earlier stages are given. Again, the risk of Adriamycin-induced cardiac toxicity may limit the amount of drug that can be given. Five-Year Survival 10 percent Investigational • All patients are candidates for clinical trials , which may involve new drugs in Phase I, II or III trials, new biologic agents, autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT), treatment with monoclonal antibodies , or high-dose chemotherapy with growth factor (such as G-CSF) support. The use of ABMT for advanced disease shows some early promise (20-25 percent after two years) but the final role of ABMT is uncertain.